Saturday, 17 December 2011

Happy Birthday Nanape

                                   This Poem is written by me, on my grandpa's 70th birthday!

Happy birthday nanape, its your birthday today
And now you have turned 70, they say

You look the same, since I was a child
And its like time never could affect your smile

I was a cry-baby, since I was a kid
No matter how much I troubled, you ignored it.

My brother has always been your favourite pal,
Though his brain is full of unscrewed valves.

My sister is your intelligent granddaughter,
And that is why she is dearer to you than others.

My mom is your reflection; she is your daughter,
She too has a temper like you grandfather.

My dad is calm and really vey smart,
And truly grandpa, he respects you a lot.

And finally we would like to say,
Have a rocking birthday grandpa today.

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