Tuesday, 9 September 2014


We have never thanked you for all that you have done for us
You were always there by our side and stood like a truss

I remember, when I was a child I acted very greedy
No matter if it was a toy or a chocolate pie you always brought me, daddy

At times when mom said no for things I wanted to do and see
You stood by my side and said don’t worry my darling you’ve got me

And when I got good marks you never expressed your feelings aloud
But your silent admiration nods told me that you felt very proud

When we went for shopping and I was unable to find a good dress
You selected the best for me without creating any mess

When I sat drawing and got confused and fed up how to draw
You came there and corrected it like there never existed a flaw

With you every day is filled with happiness and every day is a fun day

Like you’ve always wished us, we are wishing you today, happy birthday

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